
Here I will share some of the crazy and wonderful ideas that inspire me to learn and create and do, as well as some activities I've tried with in classrooms and in informal settings.

I studied chemistry and geology at Cornell and my passion is getting people inspired about science. I've worked with some amazing folks at Tufts, Boston University, Harvard, and MIT, as well as schools in Somerville, Boston, Malden, Medford, and Winchester.

I hope some of these ideas inspire you as well!


Here are some links:

CV - My CV

Full STEAM Ahead - a celebration of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math at Lincoln Elementary School coordinated by a group of parents including yours truly!

SoundscienceFun! - An interactive program about the science of musical instruments, developed by Chris & Meredith Thompson

Elemental Instruments- classroom tested instruments for illustrating science concepts to elementary school children